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Workplace Injury Toll On The Spine

Brooklyn Pain Doc

Updated: Jul 29, 2024

The monotonous daily work routine can strain your spine and the various soft tissues that provide support, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Over time, even simple activities like sitting, lifting, or bending can lead to tissue breakdown and injuries.

A pain management physician who is board certified has a thorough understanding of workplace injuries and can offer the most effective spine care solutions to alleviate the pain caused by your injury. Engaging in heavy lifting may strain an individual's spine, leading to the development of workplace injuries such as back, hip, and knee pain. Prolonged sitting can inadvertently impact the stability of the spine by lack of movement. Poor posture and slouching can result in back pain issues that hinder a person's capacity to perform their job efficiently. Slip and falls, heavy lifting injuries, repetitive motions, overuse can all cause back injury.

Workplace Injury Toll On The Spine
Workplace Injury Toll On The Spine

The most common types of work-related back injuries include:

  • Strain—resulting from overuse or excessive stretching of muscles

  • Sprain—caused by sudden movements leading to torn ligaments

  • Herniated disk—due to the loss of the spine's cushioning ability resulting from strain or aging

Statistics on Back Injuries:

  • 31 million Americans suffer from low back pain at any given time.

  • Low back pain is the primary cause of disability globally, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010.

  • Over one million back injuries occur annually in the workplace, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  • Back-related issues account for 20% of all workplace injuries.

  • About 25% of workdays missed are due to back injuries, making it the top reason for absenteeism in the country.

  • Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

Solutions to back pain recovery:

Spine related problems - back injuries happen as the statistics clearly show. Dealing with back pain is like a domino effect that links the spinal joints, muscles, discs, and nerves. Solutions to pain / rehabilitation from injury require a board certified workers comp doctor.

The following steps initially will begin the process of healing / wellness:

  • In accordance with your physician choosing a pain management treating program tailored to your condition.

  • Stretching and strengthening exercises as recommended by your doctor.

Have questions regarding your specific condition and your struggles with recovery?

Workplace Injury Toll On The Spine?

731 Flushing Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11206


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