Back pain can flare up just from sitting in a computer chair at work. Back pain can be a result of pinched nerves in the neck, degenerative disc disease in the thoracic spine, bulging or herniated disc in the lumbar spine.
Saying your back hurts is an understatement.

Testimonial from one of our patients:
"The worst part of back pain is suffering in silence. Until... you take that turn in life where you finally me an amazing pain management doctor who offers life changing pain relief solutions. Treatment options include injection therapy for lower back pain, physical therapies, diet & effective exercises. My pain management doctor is just awesome. I've been through many chiropractors, tried yoga, holistic treatment, nothing has worked. After many years of bad doctor relationships, I've found a kind and caring doctor, NYPMR pain management in NYC believes I am in pain. NYPMR has New York board certified doctors specializing in pain management & rehabilitation. Finding the right doctor is just as painful as the pain you may physically feel. If you are still searching for that great doctor, don’t give up!"
Tracy A.
Chronic pain can become a lifelong struggle. If you are like millions of Americans suffering chronic pain, treatments have been like a search for the holy grail. The right doctor understand your struggle, anger and anxiety. Some days, you will feel weak and defeated. The objective is to not give up! The first step, like the testimonial above is to find the right doctor. One you can feel comfortable with. One who understands you and your current physical condition and state of mind.
Living with chronic pain?
731 Flushing Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11206